There is a lot of potential for more trees in Cumbria Click here to read more see a quick video detailing Woodland Opportunity in Cumbria
Dieback is killing most of the ash in the upper eden valley. Click here to read more
Two new reports on Land Use in the UK. Both are currently provisional. Click on the image to download or go to the Land Use Page
Highfield Biological Consulting Services
Pest Management
Contact us if you have issues associated with domestic, nuisance and agricultural pests. We have experience of working on a wide range of pest problems, particularly those associated with nuisance insects such as flies found around livestock and waste management facilities.
Literature Reviews
Literature search and reviewing services are our speciality. When you need to get the full picture of a problem, an issue that needs solving or data to back up a claim, we can provide it.
There is a lot of data out there: we can find it, collate it, synthesize it and get you the answer.
Insect Production Systems
We have extensive experience in the field of insect production for use as food and feed. Highfield can provide details on how to establish a farm, the technical hurdles you will face, we can provide the information to get you started
Highfield Biological Consulting
We use over a quarter of a century experience working with insects and other organisms to provide high quality consultancy to a range of areas associated with insects, pests, agriculture, climate change and biodiversity.
We provide unbiased opinions on a range of insect-associated area. We aim to give you the definitive answer based on the examination of all the facts.

To discuss a matter and see if we can provide you with the information you need, contact us via phone or e-mail.